Using throw in C# for Exception Handling and Error Signaling

The throw keyword is used to raise and propagate exceptions in the code. When a throw statement is encountered, it stops the normal flow of execution and transfers control to the nearest matching catch block or, if no matching catch block is found, it terminates the program with an unhandled exception.

Here's how you can use the throw keyword:

public void Divide(int dividend, int divisor)
    if (divisor == 0)
        throw new ArgumentException("Divisor cannot be zero.");

    int result = dividend / divisor;
    Console.WriteLine($"Result: {result}");

In this example, the Divide method takes two integer parameters, dividend and divisor. Before performing the division, it checks if the divisor is zero. If it is, the method throws an ArgumentException with a descriptive error message.

The throw statement is commonly used in exception handling to signal errors or exceptional conditions in the program. When an exception is thrown, the program can respond appropriately, such as by catching and handling the exception or propagating it to higher-level code for handling.

Here's an example of handling the exception thrown by the Divide method:

    Divide(10, 0);
catch (ArgumentException ex)
    Console.WriteLine("An error occurred: " + ex.Message);

In this case, the catch block catches the ArgumentException thrown by the Divide method and displays the error message.

Using throw allows you to create more robust and error-tolerant code by signaling and handling exceptions when unexpected conditions or errors occur during program execution.