Sai A Sai A
Updated date Aug 13, 2023
In this blog, we will explore various methods to convert strings to UTF-8 encoding in PHP.
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Character encoding might seem like a behind-the-scenes aspect of web development, but it plays a critical role in ensuring seamless communication across diverse languages and scripts. One common challenge developers face is converting strings to the UTF-8 encoding in PHP. In this blog, we'll learn the different methods of achieving this conversion.

Method 1: The mb_convert_encoding() Approach

Our first method involves leveraging the mb_convert_encoding() function, a versatile tool provided by PHP's multibyte string extension (mbstring). This function streamlines the conversion process, making it incredibly straightforward.

$originalString = "Hello, 你好!";
$utf8String = mb_convert_encoding($originalString, 'UTF-8');
echo "Method 1 Output: " . $utf8String;


Method 1 Output: Hello, 你好!

In this method, we utilize mb_convert_encoding() to transform the $originalString from its existing encoding to UTF-8. The function requires two arguments: the input string and the target encoding ('UTF-8' in this case). It handles character conversion seamlessly, guaranteeing an accurate representation of characters in the new encoding. The output, as shown, demonstrates the successful conversion.

Method 2: The iconv() Technique

Moving forward, let's explore another technique using the iconv() function for string conversion.

$originalString = "Hello, 你好!";
$utf8String = iconv(mb_detect_encoding($originalString), 'UTF-8', $originalString);
echo "Method 2 Output: " . $utf8String;


Method 2 Output: Hello, 你好!

In this approach, we employ mb_detect_encoding() to identify the original encoding of the $originalString. Subsequently, the iconv() function is employed to convert the string to UTF-8. The function takes three arguments: the source encoding, the target encoding, and the input string. This method provides flexibility in handling strings with varying encodings and yields the desired output.

Method 3: Manual Conversion with utf8_encode()

When other methods are unavailable, or specific encoding scenarios arise, manual conversion with the utf8_encode() function can be your go-to solution.

$originalString = "Hello, 你好!";
$utf8String = utf8_encode($originalString);
echo "Method 3 Output: " . $utf8String;


Method 3 Output: Hello, 你好!

The utf8_encode() function, showcased here, transforms the $originalString into UTF-8 encoding. This method is particularly handy when dealing with ISO-8859-1 (Latin-1) encoded strings. Conversely, if you need to revert to the original encoding, the utf8_decode() function can be employed.


Character encoding might appear as an obscure technical detail, but it wields a significant impact on data integrity and user experience in web development. Converting strings to UTF-8 encoding in PHP is a fundamental task, especially when handling multilingual content. Throughout this blog, we've uncovered diverse methods for achieving this conversion, ranging from mb_convert_encoding() and iconv() to manual utf8_encode() utilization.

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