What are the features in .NET Core 3.2?

  • Jul 09, 2020
  • 2
  • 4.8k

Any interesting features in .NET Core 3.2?

Answers (2)

The 10 features to build better applications with .NET Core :

1. High performance
2. Cross-platform & container support
3. Unified MVC & Web API frameworks
4. Dependency Injection
5. SPA Template
6. WWWROOT Folder for Static files
7. TAG Helpers
8. Output caching
9. Action Filters
10. Swagger OpenAPI

Please refer to the below URL,


Top 10 Features of .Net Core That You Must be Aware of

1. It is an Open-Source Framework
2. Razor Pages
3. Innovatively Advanced
4. Cross-Platform Support
5. Increased Security
6. Unified MVC & Web API frameworks
7. Multiple Environments and Development Mode
8. Dependency Injection
9. Action Filters
10.Globalization and Localization

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