Sai A Sai A
Updated date Jul 31, 2023
In this blog, we will learn different methods to convert a long data type to a string in C#. This blog explores six techniques, including ToString(), concatenation, String.Format(), string interpolation, Convert.ToString(), and StringBuilder.
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In this blog, we will explore different methods to achieve this conversion, understand their pros and cons, and provide examples to illustrate their usage.

Method 1: Using ToString() Method

The simplest and most direct way to convert a long to a string in C# is by using the ToString() method, which is available for all numeric data types. The method is defined in the System.Int64 struct, making it accessible to the long data type.

long number = 123456789;
string result = number.ToString();



The ToString() method converts the long value to its equivalent string representation. It handles various formats, including negative numbers, decimal points, and scientific notation, based on the value of the long variable. This method is straightforward and performs well in most scenarios.

Method 2: Using Concatenation

Another way to convert a long to a string is by using string concatenation. In this approach, we concatenate the long value with an empty string to implicitly trigger the conversion.

long number = 987654321;
string result = "" + number;



When a long value is concatenated with an empty string, the long value is implicitly converted to its string representation. This method is concise, but it may not be the most efficient approach, especially when dealing with large numbers or performing conversions frequently.

Method 3: Using String.Format()

The String.Format() method provides another way to convert a long to a string.

long number = 987654321;
string result = String.Format("{0}", number);



In this method, we use a format specifier "{0}" to indicate where the long value will be inserted into the resulting string. The String.Format() method handles the conversion and formatting of the long value, making it a versatile option for complex string manipulations.

Method 4: Using String Interpolation

C# 6 introduced string interpolation, which offers a more readable and expressive way to convert a long to a string.

long number = 987654321;
string result = $"{number}";



With string interpolation, we use the "$" symbol followed by curly braces to embed the long value directly into the string. The compiler automatically handles the conversion, making the code concise and easier to understand.

Method 5: Using Convert.ToString()

The Convert class in C# provides a static method ToString(), which allows converting various data types to strings, including long.

long number = 123456789;
string result = Convert.ToString(number);



The Convert.ToString() method converts the long value to its string representation, similar to the ToString() method. It is a more generic approach and can handle conversions between different data types.

Method 6: Using String Builder

In scenarios where you need to perform multiple conversions or manipulate the string, using StringBuilder can be more efficient than concatenation.

long number = 987654321;
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
string result = sb.ToString();



Using StringBuilder reduces memory overhead and enhances performance when dealing with numerous string concatenations. It is especially beneficial when you need to build complex strings iteratively.


This blog explored multiple methods to convert a long to a string in C#. The ToString() method is the most straightforward and recommended for basic conversions, while string interpolation provides a more concise and expressive approach. When performance is a concern or complex string manipulations are required, using StringBuilder can be advantageous. On the other hand, the Convert.ToString() method is more generic and can handle various data types, making it useful when dealing with polymorphic inputs.

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