Sai A Sai A
Updated date Aug 21, 2023
In this blog, we will discover the ways to store text as BLOB in MySQL. This blog guides you through multiple methods with real code examples and output samples.
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MySQL, a widely-used relational database management system, offers versatile data types for efficient data storage. One such data type is BLOB (Binary Large Object), suitable for storing extensive binary data, including images, audio, and even text. In this blog, we explore multiple methods for storing text as BLOB in MySQ.

Method 1: Direct BLOB Storage

The first way to store text as BLOB in MySQL involves utilizing the BLOB data type directly within your table schema. Here's an example of this process with SQL commands:

Table Creation:

CREATE TABLE text_blob_example (
    text_data BLOB

Insert Text as BLOB:

INSERT INTO text_blob_example (id, text_data)
VALUES (1, CAST('This is a sample text.' AS BLOB));

Retrieve Text from BLOB:

SELECT CAST(text_data AS CHAR) AS text_content
FROM text_blob_example
WHERE id = 1;


| text_content |
| This is a sample text. |

Method 2: Using Prepared Statements

In scenarios requiring dynamic insertion or retrieval of BLOB data, prepared statements prove advantageous:

Insert Text as BLOB:

PREPARE stmt FROM 'INSERT INTO text_blob_example (id, text_data) VALUES (?, ?)';
SET @id = 2;
SET @text = 'Another text stored as BLOB.';
EXECUTE stmt USING @id, @text;

Retrieve Text from BLOB:

PREPARE stmt FROM 'SELECT CAST(text_data AS CHAR) AS text_content FROM text_blob_example WHERE id = ?';
SET @search_id = 2;
EXECUTE stmt USING @search_id;


| text_content |
| Another text stored as BLOB. |

Method 3: Leveraging a Stored Function

Stored functions streamline the insertion and retrieval of BLOB data by encapsulating essential logic:

Create a Stored Function:


CREATE FUNCTION insert_text_blob(id INT, text_content TEXT) RETURNS INT
    INSERT INTO text_blob_example (id, text_data) VALUES (id, CAST(text_content AS BLOB));
    RETURN id;


Call the Stored Function:

SELECT insert_text_blob(3, 'Using a stored function to store text as BLOB.');


| insert_text_blob(3, 'Using a stored function to store text as BLOB.') |
|                        3 |


In this blog, we've explored various methods for storing text as BLOB in MySQL. The first method involves directly utilizing the BLOB data type in the table schema, offering a straightforward way to insert and retrieve text as BLOB. The second method prepared statements, which are particularly useful for dynamic data operations. Finally, the third method shows the power of stored functions in encapsulating the logic for inserting BLOB data, providing a streamlined approach.

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