Microsoft is Released .NET 6.0 preview 1 including a wide range of new features and important improvements across all parts of .NET.
If you are a Visual Studio user, you need Visual Studio 16.9 preview 1 or later to use .NET 6.0 preview on Windows and the latest version of Visual Studio for Mac on macOS.
Microsoft .NET 6 enables you to build the apps that you want to build, for the platforms you want to target, and on the operating systems, you want to use for development. Also Microsoft extends Android, iOS, and macOS capabilities that are part of Xamarin into .NET 6.
Microsoft mentioned that "Our unification efforts offer something for all .NET developers. If you are a desktop app developer, there are new opportunities for you to reach new users. If you are a mobile app developer, you will benefit from using the mainline .NET tools and APIs while targeting iOS and Android platforms. If you are a web or cloud developer, it will be easier to expose services to .NET mobile apps and share code with them."
Microsoft said that the .NET 6 will be released in November 2021, and will be supported for three years, as an LTS release.

.Net 6 provides .NET Multi-platform App UI is a modern UI toolkit that builds upon and extends Xamarin as part of .NET 6 unification. Also .NET 6 Preview 1 introduces the first two platforms of .NET Multi-platform App UI: Android and iOS. Developers will be able to start using .NET 6 with Xamarin and Xamarin.Forms projects now.
If you want to know more about .NET 6 Preview 1, visit the official Microsoft website. Courtesy: Microsoft
- Blazor desktop apps
- Fast inner loop
- Arm64
- Containers
- Theme: Improve startup and throughput using runtime execution information (PGO)
- Response files:
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