Dipika Singha Dipika Singha
Updated date Dec 24, 2020
The first-class TypeScript support and a new middleware stack are included as the latest features of this version of modular AWS.
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AWS is happily announcing the latest version 3 or v3 of AWS SDK for the JavaScript General Availability (GA). It follows the entire JavaScript SDK release candidate; it holds the modular architecture with the different packages. The first-class TypeScript support and a new middleware stack are included as the latest features of this version of modular AWS.

New features of the Modular AWS SDK

  • Modular Packages: It produces the single npm package to be able for all the AWS services. It is easier to support the multitasking process with a large cost dependency during the utilization process of a handful of operational services. The level of dependency is optimized here and it split up the parts of SDK for sending responses to the clients.
  • Middleware Stack: In this version, the management switched to the utilization process of the middleware stack for controlling the whole lifecycle and the operation. The middleware presented in between two stacks calls the next middleware after any changes take place into the request object. It makes it easy to identify the errors in the middleware.
  • Supreme or First-class Support of TypeScript: In this version, the TypeScript programming language is included to save time while catching errors. It includes several benefits such as the latest ECMAScript features, IDE supports, etc.

Additional Beneficial Features

  • Different retry behavior including the congestion control
  • Pagination process by utilizing the async generators
  • Logging support at an extensive level
  • It supports higher-order operation
  • It supports HTTP/2
  • It supports by default Node.js HTTP connections

Supported Browser

  • Internet Explorer (10+)
  • Microsoft Edge (12+)
  • Mozilla Firefox (21+)
  • Google Chrome (23+)
  • Apple Safari (6+)
  • Opera (15+)
  • Android Browser (4.4+)


  • The publication of DK Metrics are missing
  • Web Identity Credential providers are missing
  • Token File Web Identity Credential providers are missing
  • Chainable Temporary Credential providers are missing
  • It cannot automatically assume the role among the role_arn within the credential file

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