Dipika Singha Dipika Singha
Updated date Nov 07, 2020
The full form of CDN is a content delivery network. The contents which are accessed on regular basis can be served at a very lower cost by using this feature. Through this particular feature, the performance will be improved and Google has also declared that for Cloud CDN flexible controls are enabled.
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In a cost-effective way to get the content for the users, quickly is an important objective for the network of content delivery. Google cloud has come up with the resolution for this sector with the feature of the latest cloud CDN. The full form of CDN is a content delivery network. The contents which are accessed on regular basis can be served at a very lower cost by using this feature. Through this particular feature, the performance will be improved and Google has also declared that for Cloud CDN flexible controls are enabled.

In cloud CDN now three different features are mainly given to the users in the preview section and this is the part of the load balancer of HTTP(S). In just one click the users can start caching content by this feature of Google. Those three features of Cloud CDN are custom response headers, setting or overriding cache, and cache mode.  The cloud status can be tracked by the feature of custom response headers. Whenever the client is serving through the compute engine, the geographical data, and the policies client’s cross-origin resource sharing will be reflected. Another key feature is the nature of the setting and overriding cache TTLs, this enables the users to fine-tune the time period of caches of Cloud CDN. The users will control the time to live of the browser caches. The common static types of content can automatically be cached by the cache mode which is enabled by Cloud CDN.

Google is continuously working to develop a network with high quality and performance across the planet and creating various new software and infrastructure. Cloud CDN is one of the products of that development and these caches the content of the users in ninety-six locations of the globe. Whenever any user asks for any content the connection with cloud CDN is made of nearby edge location and then through the same route closest content with the most similarities is delivered to the user. The main positive side of the feature is the user will get accessibility to the premium network of google by using cloud CDN.

The development of the feature is still ongoing and additional capabilities like stale content at the time when the origin is overloaded, the user can bypass the cache. The users can also customize the granularity of at status-code by the future update of cloud CDN and this is also known as negative caching. Before the end of the year 2020, these configurations are expected to be done.

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