What is Sort Data Table in RPA?

  • Apr 30, 2022
  • 1
  • 2.2k

What is sort data table? and what is the use of sort data table

Answers (1)

Sorts an entire DataTable by ascending or descending order, based on the values of a specified column.



  • DisplayName - The display name of the activity.


  • DataTable - The DataTable variable you want to sort. This field supports only DataTable variables.


  • Private - If selected, the values of variables and arguments are no longer logged at Verbose level.


  • DataTable - The DataTable variable after it has been sorted. Placing the same variable as the one in the Input field changes the initial variable while adding a new variable leaves the initial one unaffected. This field supports only DataTable variables.

Sorting Column:

  • Column - The variable containing the column you want to sort by. This field supports only DataColumn variables. Setting a variable in this property field disables the other two properties.
  • Index - The index of the column you want to search for. This field supports only Int32 variables. Setting a variable in this property field disables the other two properties.
  • Name - The name of the column you want to search for. This field supports only strings and String variables. Setting a variable in this property field disables the other two properties.
  • Order - The order in which the table is to be sorted. Ascending means the first value is the lowest, while Descending means the first value is the highest.

Reference: https://docs.uipath.com/activities/docs/sort-data-table

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