SQL Server Connection in ASP.NET Core 6 Applications

  • Jan 09, 2023
  • 1
  • 1.2k

How do I connect ASP.NET Core 5 or 6 Applications with Microsoft SQL Server?

Answers (1)
Answer Accepted

We can connect SQL Server in ASP.NET Core applications in multiple ways.

Option 1:

Use entity framework to connect SQL Server in ASP.NET Core applications

Refer to this tutorial: 

Build ASP.NET Core Web API with CRUD Operations Using Entity Framework Core

Option 2: 

.Net 6 Simplifies a lot of tasks and introduces WebApplicationBuilder which in turn gives you access to the new Configuration builder and Service Collection

var builder = WebApplication.CreateBuilder(args);


  • Configuration : A collection of configuration providers for the application to compose. This is useful for adding new configuration sources and providers.

  • Environment : Provides information about the web hosting environment an application is running.

  • Host : An IHostBuilder for configuring host-specific properties, but not building. To build after configuration, call Build().

  • Logging: A collection of logging providers for the application to compose. This is useful for adding new logging providers.

  • Services : A collection of services for the application to compose. This is useful for adding user-provided or framework-provided services.

  • WebHost : An IWebHostBuilder for configuring server-specific properties, but not building. To build after configuration, call Build().

To add a DbContext to the Di Container and configure it, there are many options however the most straightforward is

builder.Services.AddDbContext<SomeDbContext>(options =>

Required Nugets packages:

  • Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore
  • Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.SqlServer to use UseSqlServer

Reference: WebApplicationBuilder Class  Thanks to Microsoft.

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