Inheritance is one of the most important parts of the OOPs concept. The process of acquiring all the properties and behavior of the parent class by a child class is known as inheritance. The child class can inherit all the property of the parent class by using inheritance. The class which acquires all the .property and behavior from another class is known as a derived class or child class. The class from which the properties and behaviors are inherited is known as the parent class or base class. One of the biggest advantages of inheritance is the re-usability of code.
The OOPs concept of Python is very much similar to the Java programming language. Like Java, the object is also the root or parent class of all classes. The child class should know about its parent class. For this purpose, the name of the parent class is defined in the child class definition.
class School (object): # Create parent class and object is the root or class of all class
def schoolName (self):
print("School name is XYZ")
class Student (Schoo ): # Child class inherits all the properties of School class
def studentName (self):
print("Student name is Jack")
class Teacher (School): # Child class inherits all the properties of School class
def teacherName (self):
print("Teacher name is Mr. Smith")
s1 = Student() # Creating object of Student child class
t1 = Teacher() # Creating object of Teacher child class
# Using object accessing the property of School parent class
s1. schoolName()
s1. studentName()
# Using object accessing the property of School parent class
t1. schoolName()
# Output
# School name is XYZ
# Student name is Jack
# School name is XYZ
# Teacher name is Mr. Smith
The method overriding is a process of implementing a method in child class that method already exists in the parent class. By doing this we can provide specific information to the parent class method. This method overriding process is needed when different definitions are required of a parent class method. In the method overriding process, the method name of the child class must be the same as the method name of the parent class. In the child class method more specific information is given than the parent class method.
class Car (object): # Create parent class and object is the root or class of all class
def drive (self):
print("Every car has wheels")
class Maruti (Car): # Child class inherits all the properties of Car class
def drive (self):
print("This car has 4 wheels")
c1 = Maruti() # Creating object of Maruti child class
# Using object accessing the property of Car parent class
c1. drive ()
# Output
# This car has 4 wheels