In this topic, we will focus on various Python keywords and their identifiers. This is the beginning to learn a new programming language as a beginner. Some basic theory is necessary to learn or stat with any programming language. First, we will list down all the keyword names and familiar with the identifiers. So let’s start.
Python has numerous keywords. Those are known as reserved words. These keywords cannot be used as function names, variable names, or others. Python has 33 keywords and these keywords are similar to the English language. So that beginners can understand it quickly. They can easily grape the purpose of each keyword used in Python. The list of keywords and its description is given below,
Keyword | Description |
And | It is a logical operator |
as | It is used to create an alias |
assert | It is used to debug the code |
Break | It is used to break a loop |
class | It is used to define a class |
continue | It is used to skip the current iteration |
def | It is used to create a function |
del | It is used to delete an object |
elif | It is known as else if & conditional statement |
else | It is used in a conditional statement |
Except | It is used when an exception occurs |
False | It is a Boolean operator |
Finally | Executed without focusing any exception |
for | It is a loop |
From | It is used to import a module |
Global | It is used to state a global variable |
if | It is a conditional statement |
Import | It is used to import a module |
In | It is used for availability checking |
Is | It is used to check the variable equality |
Lambda | It is used to create an unsigned function |
None | It is used to represent a null value |
Nonlocal | It is used to state a non-local variable |
not | It is a logical operator |
Or | It is a logical operator |
Pass | It is a statement that has no action |
Raise | It is used to raise an exception |
return | It is used to return a value from a function |
True | It is a Boolean value |
Try | It is used to make a try of a block of code |
While | It is a loop |
With | It is used to solve exception handling |
yield | It is used to retune a generator |
In simple words, Python identifiers are nothing but the variable name. It has a few rules for utilization. The rules are as follows
). Example: number=1, _value=100, etc.
1num, 3total, etc
.#, $, @
, etc. A variable name can be created only with alphabets, numeric values, and underscore. global=10
.Code Example is given below:
number = 5
#It will print 5
#it will give an error
_ab = 30
#It will print 30
#it will give an error
xy_z = 50
#It will print 50
#it will give an error
So we have to keep in mind all these points while we will do coding. Otherwise, we will surely get errors. It will be overcome with the practice. So keep practicing and we will back with a new module in Python.